Tea Tree Oil Hydrosol is just the distillate that is produced as a byproduct from tea tree oil extraction. Organic tea tree hydrosol is the clean, two-part product that comes out of steam distillation of essential oils, and so has many of the same properties, as well as an abundance of uses, that the pure essential oils do. Tea tree hydrosol decreases swelling, skin redness, and inflammation, all thanks to its oils anti-inflammatory properties.
This makes tea tree hydrosol ideal for tone, for decreasing the size of the pores on your skin, to tighten your skin, and for decreasing the oil overhanging your skin. You can use this for toning, tightening, and skin tightening, and to shrink large pores and reduce oil excess. DIY face masks: you can use organic tea tree hydrosol as a mixing agent when making homemade face masks using Bentonite Clay, Macha tea, etc. Just use organic tea tree hydrosol instead of oil or normal water.
Use this other incredible, yet lesser known, product as a disinfectant in your green cleaners, in wind washing, or to apply to skin if you are suffering from acne, eczema, or psoriasis. Another amazing but less-known product is essentially water infused with a very small percentage of tea tree oil, making it a far safer choice for you to use compared to tea tree oil. Many people apply tea tree essential oil on their faces to reap the benefits, but you will always need to dilute it with carrier oil. Tea Tree Oil is made from the leaves of Melaleuca Alternifolia, the tea-tree variety, through a steam distillation process.
Hydrosols, or floral waters, are water used in steam distillation of plants and herbs to produce essential oils. Hydrosols are a water-based product of the distillation process, which contains the water-soluble components. Hydrosol contains minimal amount of volatile chemicals like its essential oils counterparts, along with acids, flavonoids, salts, and plant sterols which makes it a good choice for natural health care. The reason why so many choose hydrosols is that they provide all of the benefits of a plant, at a smaller, concentrated dosage.
Tea Tree is antibacterial, anti-fungal, great disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and as a hydrosol, it is a wonderful astringent. As a topical spray, this deliberately distilled solution is a perfect first-response for skin complaints and is the go-to treatment for bacterial/fungal/viral/yeast infections, lice, insect infestations, bites, stings, and pimples. Fungal infections including diaper rash, candida, dandruff, toe nail fungus, and skin fungus can be combated with tea tree hydrosol.
Perform a steam treatment for opening up blocked sinuses by boiling 2 cups water and 1 teaspoon dried peppermint leaves in a pan. Now sit facing the pot and make a tent, covering your face and the pot together, to let the steam into your nostrils.
We try to make contracts with enough materials that they will last in between distillations, but it is possible that we will sell out of your favorite distillate before the next distillation season begins. This material safety data sheet summarizes True Blue Organics best current knowledge on health and safety hazards for tea tree oil. The material safety data sheet is therefore intended to serve as only a guide for appropriate preventive care in the handling of this material by appropriately trained personnel using this product.
The information presented herein is obtained from the manufacturer of the product or material, or from an initial information supplier. Our products are not medicines, and we are limited to making recommendations about the appropriateness of our products in specific conditions. Aroma-web features hundreds of objective, brand-neutral essential oils guides, articles, lists, oil profiles, tips, blends, recipes, book reviews, and directories.
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